Hard Rock Survey - Your Voice Matters


Your voice is powerful! 💪 Take this survey to share your thoughts, ideas, and concerns. Whether you’re rocking the bar, kitchen, or dining floor, we want to hear from YOU. Let’s make Hard Rock the best it can be for everyone! 🗣️

Your responses are anonymous, but you can choose to tag your name if you wish to participate in further discussions.

Ownership & Corporate Responsibility

a) Yes
b) Somewhat
c) No
d) Unsure

Legal Protections & Worker Rights

a) Yes
b) Somewhat
c) No

Job Security & Contracts

a) Yes
b) Somewhat
c) No

Unionizing & Taking Action

a) Yes
b) Maybe, but I need more information
c) No

Job Security & Contracts

a) Yes
b) No
c) Not explicitly, but I feel discouraged

Legal Protections & Worker Rights

a) Yes
b) Somewhat
c) No

Job Security & Contracts

a) Yes, frequently
b) Sometimes
c) No, my shifts are consistent

Unionizing & Taking Action

a) Yes
b) Maybe, but I need more information
c) No

a) Better wages
b) Guaranteed hours
c) Improved health and safety
d) Protection from unfair dismissal
e) Consistent management practices
f) Other

Meetings & Webinars

a) Yes, in person
b) Yes, virtually
c) Maybe, depending on timing
d) No

Optional Signature

Unionizing with Local Union 54

Did you know that you have rights that protect your value as a worker? Unionizing with Local Union 54 could help improve your working conditions, wages, and ensure you have a strong voice when negotiating your employment contract.

  • Better Wages: Unions help negotiate fair pay for your work.
  • Job Security: Union contracts protect you from sudden layoffs or shift cancellations.
  • Health & Safety: Unions ensure your workplace is safe and health concerns are addressed.

Let’s come together and work towards a better future for everyone at Hard Rock Cafe. Reach out to Local Union 54 to learn more about your rights and how you can join the movement!

“Guardians of the High Frontier.”